September 27, 2009

worked for the Arthur's Day Concert on friday, and it was a total blast!!
Black EYED Peas rocks man!!!!!

but our salary sucks,duh. whatever. at least we can watch the concert without paying for it and squeezing with all the audience, lol.
as me and mz work as ticket checkers for the concert, we had to stand whole day outside the entrance of Sunway Lagoon, this is damn torturing especially for me which wear high heels to work that day. I dint even meant to wear heels when i am working, but my sports shoes being stolen by dunno who and i have no other choice,wtf.

ticket checkers job really sucks man, because you need to check all the tickets and normally you are the last one to enter to watch the show, wtf. Most of those people came to the show at about 10.30?! the time printed on the ticket is 8pm and the show only starts at 10 actually. but i thought that anyone of you should come earlier than the show starts????
and so, we as the ticket checkers have to tear all the tickets and only can watch the concert after being confirmed that no more people coming in, duh.

me and mz only managed to watch the show at about 10.30, luckily that black eyed peas just start their performances, teehee. and OMG!!!! it really rocks!!!!!
me and mz din even cared our identity as workers and keep on yelling on the spot, LMAO.

looking forward for Akon's concert now, LOL.

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